I love this book. I really didn't think i'd ever say that. I've always known that you have to eat good and exercise to be your best. This book has put all those questions of how much of this and that should i eat each day and when and how much. Christine Avanti is a top Los Angeles nutritionist. Her plan is so simple. You eat 4 small meals a day. first meal, breakfast must be eaten in the first hour of waking up and then every 3 to 4 hrs after that. So my last meal is around 6pm. Which is great you don't want to eat too late. Of course you have to portion size your little meals. She calls them PC combo's. Having a lean protein( fish,chicken,lion meats) with a healthy carb-,nuts, whole wheat pasta,whole grain rice,ect. The protein portion size is 4 oz. and the carb portion size is 3/4 a cup. She has lots of great and simple recipes in this book. Plus she talks a lot about our body's and how we need so much of certain foods.Plus she incorporates fruits and veggies in each meal as well. She recommends taking a multi vitamin each day with drinking 8 to 10 glasses of water each day and exercising 30 to 60 minutes 4 or 5 times a week.
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